Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rubinstein. Arthur (Artur Rubinstein, 1887 ~ 1982) American pianist

Rubinstein. Arthur (Artur Rubinstein, 1887 ~ 1982) American pianist, is also the art of this century's most distinguished pianists of the longest life is considered Herve Leger eminent contemporary piano. good at playing Chopin, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann and Brahms works. playing with lines very clear, full of wisdom and passion known for splendid style, the momentum of glorious. .Olsen (Garrick Ohlsson, 1948 ~) American pianist. good at playing works of Chopin and Liszt, especially playing Liszt's ) British pianist. good at playing romantic music school work. playing bold and powerful at the same time pay attention Herve Leger Bandage Dress to the touch of delicate, pure sound, structural integrity, strength level, dealing with feelings of elegance and romantic.Aoluosike (Rafael Orozco, 1946 ~) Spanish pianist. played superb brilliant, skilled and accurate and full of personality. Joseph Gold. Rudolf (Rudolf Serkin, 1903 ~) Czech pianist, is the best of contemporary classical music, in particular, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Brahms works were performed release. playing music as a whole emphasize style, rhythm and clear, crisp sound. .Baldwin (Daiton Baldwin, 1931 ~) American pianist . often accompanied by Herve Leger Dress first-class performer, known as the master of the piano accompaniment. .Devise (Vasso Devetzi, 1927 ~) Greek pianist. playing casual ease, transparent sound gorgeous, pay attention to feelings, a tiny women's unique feminine characteristics.

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