Wednesday, January 19, 2011

All die in an accident body to get an appropriate processing

(Responsibility editor:Item 劼 )
According to The Xinhua news agency give or get an electric shock 7:40 on the 27th, Heng in Hunan south county loose cause and effect village 1 in river town send to learn car occurrence traffic accident and leave 14 students dead, 6 students get hurt.On the 28th, Heng south county Wei start the responsibility pursue procedure and avoid in this time trouble to carry main responsibility or direct responsibility of county Bureau of Education bureau chief Wang Li, loose river town the cent take care of a transportation work of director section staff sun a life time new job, at the same time responsibility become the county Bureau of Education party Wei, the county transportation party Wei in the bureau and county hand over a Central Police University brigade party set respectively avoid loose school president Chen Shao Hua of river town center and cause and effect principal Chen Xin and car the river center hand over to take care of a station pair the station-master Manolo Blahnik black patent leather pumps Luo is victory and county hand over a Central Police University brigade car river in captain in brigade week repeatedly of job.
Heng south the county establish 14 to should help to hand particularly a class, one by one develop family members emotion the conciliation handle a work after being kind and genial.After the emotion consolation of 4 hours patience delicacy, compensate talking over, up to 8:30 A.M., 14 dies in an accident student is parent, have already signed in expiation of agreement, all die in an accident body to get an appropriate processing.Currently, trouble reason still in the middle of investigating further.

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